xit </head> All of the misprints on this page have been corrected in the current second printing.

Here are some misprints that are mostly cosmetic and do not involve wrong numbers.

Last page: "About the Author" should be "About the Authors"

page 31, SPP 1a: 'beteen' should be 'between'.

page 51, top of right side: The problem number (13) should be above the graph.

page 53, top left: The first diagram belongs to problem 12, the second one to problem 13. The figure at the top on the right belongs to problem 17.

page 84, Problem 16 b: 'is' should be 'its'.

page 104, Example 1: s = 4m.

page 106, 2nd line from bottom: Vf should be vf.

page 144, 3rd line from bottom: Vrms should be lower case vrms.

page 261, 2nd paragraoh, 1st line: Should be Röntgen. ("oe" is also acceptable instead of ö, but not both as in the text.)

page 269, right, 9 lines from bottom: eliminate one of the terms "E - E'"

page 274, left, 5 lines above "How does the Schr...": change "than to "then".

page 300, left, paragraph 3, line 5:change "Curie's" to "Curies'".

Page 331, 1st paragraph on right: eliminate comma to read "W.H Freeman and Co."

page 347, left, paragraph 3, line 7: insert "as" before "solar cells".

These misprints involve numbers or symbols that need to be corrected.

page 41, top right, line 4 and table: the value of x at t = 1s is 0.8m, not 1.6m.

page 172, guided-review problem 7a: erase the little circle superscript so that "P" replaces "Po".

page 177, 3rd paragraph, line line 2: insert "a 1-volt" instead of "the", to read "For each coulomb of charge that moves through a 1-volt battery, a joule of energy is transferred from the battery..."

page 181, left, 2nd last line: add "t" to read "x = vot +..."

page 192, left top, answer to Example 18: R is correct, but A and D are not. If the resistivity is used as given in ohm-cm and the length in cm, A is .99 x 10-8cm2, leading to a diameter of 1.12 x 10-4cm. If the resistivity is converted to 10-8 ohm-m and the length to 0.02m, A is .99 x 10-12m2, so that the diameter is 1.12x10-6m. In either case the diameter is 1.12 microns.

page 194, problem 16: insert "110V" before "DC" in the third line.

page 210, right, bottom: should be Js = Nms = [(kg m)/(s2)](ms) and (C/kg)Js = (C/s)(m2).

page 232, right, paragraph 3, line 14: "1.225" should be "1.1225".

page 239, right, second paragraph from bottom, line 4: "slits" should be "strips".

page 242, bottom figure: the arrows indicating the angle on the right extend too far.

page 250, left top: x2 and x3 are missing in the terms for the binomial theorem in square brackets. They should read [n(n-1)/2] x2 and [n(n-1)(n-2)/(3!)]x3.

page 256, 5(c): add "=" so as to read "x = 2m".


page 12, right top: The gravitational force is the weakest force. Erase "...,is the weakest of all. It", so that that part of the paragraph reads "..the weak force doesn't hold anything, but it regulates the timing of some important processes..."

page 128, problem 4: change "height of the ball from the ground" to "time". Eliminate parts c and d.

page 129, problem 16: this one is really hard! In part b, ignore the advice on the reference level. In part d, leave out finding the value of y at the highest point.

page 130, problem 17: the expressions should be written in terms of the initial velocity and the mass.